Wednesday, March 11, 2020

book lestat essays

book lestat essays Main Characters: Lestat de Lioncourt This book is about the life of Lestat de Lioncourt, later known as the Vampire Lestat. Lestat is writing The Vampire Lestat to let the other vampires around the world know that he is still around. He has been underground for a couple hundred years, but decides to come to the surface when he hears wonderful music by radio waves. Lestat begins the story with him at twenty-one years old, in the 1700s. He, his horse, and his two mastiff dogs have gone to the surrounding woods to kill wolves that have been terrorizing his town. When he encounters the wolves, there are more than he has expected, and he loses his two dogs that he raised from puppies, his horse, and narrowly escapes with his life. He has killed all eight wolves. When he finally reaches home, bloodied and extremely tired, he is shocked at himself, and stays in his room for days. He missed his dogs, and he got new puppies, but it wasnt the same. He was also shocked that he had killed eight wolves by himself. He felt almost like a murderer. His near-death was also a reason for him staying closed in his room, with only servants coming in and out with food. Then, one evening, his mother, whom he loved dearly, the only one in his family he loved, came and spoke to him. She told him that she was dying. There was a consistent sharp pain in her lungs, and the doctors had told her she wouldnt live more than a year. This deeply troubles Lestat, because other than his mother, he really has no one in the world he can rely on. His father does not respect his choices in life, and is cruel to Lestat, as are Lestats two brothers. His mother also has a conversation with him, which is highly unusual for her. She tells him she should befriend Nicholas de Lenfent, a boy in the town about the same age as Lestat. After waiting over a week, Lestat finally goes down to see Nicholas at a bar, and they hit it off and become f...

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